Celebrate Highwood
Celebrate Highwood’s mission is to better the community through events and festivals. These activities help create a cohesive community by allowing neighbors to come together to work toward specific goals with and for our national and local charity partnerships. The events and festivals also help promote the area as a wonderful place to live, eat, work and play. All monies raised through our activities are donated to local and national charitable organizations. Join us in our mission! Community, Charity, Celebrate Highwood!
Celebrate Highwood
Celebrate Highwood’s mission is to better the community through events and festivals. These activities help create a cohesive community by allowing neighbors to come together to work toward specific goals with and for our national and local charity partnerships. The events and festivals also help promote the area as a wonderful place to live, eat, work and play. All monies raised through our activities are donated to local and national charitable organizations. Join us in our mission! Community, Charity, Celebrate Highwood!
11 CommentsComment on Facebook
You could not have picked a more perfect day to release this and thus, give us something to hold onto
Went to garlic fest last year my 2nd year attending and it was bad not enough vendors with garlic. The prior year was fantastic definitely there was garlic in the air.
Ah shucks no mural fest this year?
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